Friday, November 6, 2009

WEEK 5 - Project - Based Learning & WebQuests

Dear friends,

For this week we had two interesting topics for the discussion. Both topics for me were, really, important.

The first topic was about project - based learning, what I learnt from this topic is amazing and I'm having good feeling. Till now what we do in our schools is we ask the students to prepare projects to the topic (or topics) that have relation with class textbook, this kind of technique sometime will limit the creativity of the students, but now I learnt that the teacher can ask students to make projects out of school textbook as (food project, gas project…etc..).My plan in this field is to make a project to produce a book guide about the place where I teach.

The second topic of this week was: WebQuests. It was totally new for me,I hope I could be able to do it, normally, in near future as we can't do it now due to unusual situation in Iraq.

Best wishes,



  1. Dear Shaswar,
    I liked your idea of creating a guide book and it would be more wonderful if it contains colourful pictures ,infact we do need book guides in our country.

  2. Dear Shaswar,
    It's wonderful that you are always putting your students' interests ahead of you.
    Best of luck with your guide book project.
    Israa Al_Taie

  3. Dear Shaswar,
    The concept of using Project-based learning derived from the text book is old fashion and I agree with you about that and I interested in your new project and wishing you all the best and success.
    The web quest in really useful and easy to fine or to prepare so I wish you will find good and new things about this subject soon.
    Good luck.

  4. Dear Shaswar,

    I agree with the others that a guidebook is a great project. When you connect what students do in school with life outside school, they tend to be more motivated and learn better. When they create something that they can share with others, like a guidebook, it's even more motivating.

